
Find information about preparing for the midterm and final examinations, re-examination schedules and taking your examinations, examination rules during the examinations, and other related information








Years 1 & 2 Examination Timetables, Academic Year 2024

1st Sem, 2024 2nd Sem, 2024

Examination Deferrals & Missed Examinations

All students are expected to take the examinations on the assigned date and time during the examination period. A student who does not complete all his/ her examinations will receive a failing grade in the course(s), in which the student failed to complete the examination. If the students are unable to take a examination at the officially scheduled time, it is entirely students’ responsibiligy to contact their course coordinator/ instructors or the International Education and Administration Unit, Division of Educational Affairs as soon as possible, preferably in advance of the examination or within 3 working days after the examination is given. 

Students who have compelling reasons may take their examinations with the permission of Deputy Dean for Education and Student Development, Head of Department/ Schools and instructor, respectively. A request form with reference and good cause are required for re-scheduling the exams.

Examination rules

The examination rules apply to all international program students while taking the various examinations. Any breach of these rules will be considered a breach of the University’s Student Conduct Statute and may result in the students having their examinations cancelled or being suspended for one year or more.





    Exam rules


   Tuition fees